Essential Oils for Aromatherapy - Make Therapy More Beneficial And Effective!

Aromatic medicine or Aromatherapy uses essential oils to assist in alleviating and preventing illness, as well as increasing mood and alertness. The chemical components that make up essential oils are made in specific plant cells,  with the assistance of  the suns energy and the elements of soil, water and air. Essential oils are distilled or if produced by peels they are most of cold pressed extracted.

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils distilled from plants, including  leaves, flowers, herbs, woods, roots, and resins, used to augment an individual’s physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Aromatherapy: How it is administered?

1. By using a room diffuser or placing some drops a tissue or cotton ball, the patient breathes in the essential oil - indirect inhalation. 

2. Using an inhaler to take in the aroma of essential oils - direct inhalation.

3. Mixing it with castile soap for a bath, lotions or dressings and use it for aromatic massages, diluting to apply on acupoints, wherein these aromatic oils permeate through the skin. 

What can Aromatherapy and Essential Oils help? 

1. Anxiety
2. Stress
3. Fatigue
4. Insomnia
5. Muscle and Joint Pain
6. Increase Memory
7. Pain management
8. Respiratory and skin ailments
9. Swollen joints
10. Symptoms of the common cold

Essential Oils are a natural and holistic gift from nature. Essential Oils and Aromatherapy can aid in preventing illness and alleviating symptoms associated with illness. 

Essential oils for aromatherapy, proven to exhibit antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, calming, and energizing effects, is a safe therapy capable of rendering benefits to mind and body


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